


BLEST ARE THEY by David Haas 1. Blest are they, the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of God. Blest are they, they, full of sorrow, they shall be consoled. REFRAIN: Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are you, holy are you! Rejoice and be glad! Yours is the kingdom of God! 2. Blest are they, the lowly ones, they shall inherit the earth. Blest are they who hunger and thirst, they shall have their fill. 3. Blest are they who show mercy, mercy shall be theirs. Blest are they, the pure of heart, they shall see God! 4. Blest are they who seek peace; they are the children of God. Blest are they who suffer in faith, the glory of God is theirs. 5. Blest are you who suffer hate, all because of me. Rejoice and be glad, yours is the kingdom; shine for all to see. 今年から礼拝でマタイによる福音書を学んでいます。山上の説教に入り、「至福の教え」をゆっくり学んできましたが、明日最後の2つの祝福についてメッセージを語らせていただき、先に進むことにしています。この味わい深い福音の世界をそのまま生きる者となれますように。礼拝は日曜日朝10時30分から。